Fall Greetings from 3DReactions

Happy Halloween from 3DReactions!
3DReactions Move And COVID-19 Update

Updates on our recent move and COVID-19
The Great Duck Project

3DReactions and The Great Duck Project
Scanning 3.0 Is Finally Here!

Scanning 3.0 is HERE! Come visit us in the future!
We’re In The News!

Chocolate Printing from 3DReactions & Chocodiem Featured on the News
New Scanner In The Works!
Scanning 3.0 Coming Very Soon
Join Us For Easton Out Loud 6/23
We will be participating in the Easton Out Load event on Friday 6/23 from 5PM to 10PM. Join us and turn up the volume!
3DReactions Flip Photography
Flip out a little with 3DReactions with one of our Flip Photos.
Gender Reveal Holograms
Having a Girl? Or a Boy? Want to find a special way to do your gender reveal? Look no further.
Your Baby’s Heartbeat, a Hologram!
Holographic heartbeat featuring actual audio of your baby’s heartbeat